Product Description

8kW Three Phase Solar System Kit with Grade A Lithium Battery
We offer ready-to-use complete solar energy system to meet household needs, ensuring excellent reliability and efficiency.
A Single-phase system with 8 kW power capacity and 10 kWh solar energy storage capacity is suitable for covering the needs of larger households, office buildings, small-scale manufacturing, or guest houses. It can power both indoor and outdoor lighting,washing machines, dryers, multiple televisions, 2 refrigerators, computers, water pumps, and summer air conditioning. For the winter season, it may be necessary to add a generator to the system if you are not connected to the grid.
Advantages of a 8 kW Hybrid Three-Phase Solar System
A 8 kW hybrid solar system is a standalone electricity generation system that combines solar panels, inverters, batteries, and
other components. This system is designed to power your home with clean energy from the sun while allowing you to store excess
energy for later use.
* Reducing electricity bills
* Uninterrupted power supply
* Environmentally friendly solution
* System flexibility tailored to your specific needs

What does the solar kit include?
The solar system kit includes all necessary accompanying elements for installing the solar system:
Mounting Structure - supporting framework for solar panel installation, including mounting profiles, accessories, consumables, and fasteners; AC/DC Wiring-cabling for both AC and DC connections, including solar cables, DC connectors, and power cables; Control Panel - containing protective and switching equipment for managing the system.